CSTAR Animal Care offers low-cost, high quality veterinary services including feline and canine spay/neuter surgery, vaccinations, microchipping, and more through its
Spay Our Strays Clinic program. CSTAR also works with many local animal welfare groups and feral colony caregivers in local Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) efforts and educating the public about TNR.
Over the last 6 years, through CSTAR's Spay Our Strays Clinic program, more than
6,200 cats and dogs were spayed/neutered, and over
7,600 animals received desperately needed low-cost veterinary services. And since the clinic program began in 2007, more than
12,400 cats have been fixed through the clinic.
Additionally, CSTAR helps local rescues and shelters prepare their kittens, puppies, cats, and dogs for adoption by providing affordable services, helps promote their
adoptable animals, and provides the public with
resources and detailed information regarding many common topics related to adopting and caring for companion animals.